Monday, December 22, 2008


Two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water.
The other 1/3 is covered by Ed Reed.

Words cannot express my joy towards the Ravens win over the Cowboys on Saturday night AT THE LAST GAME AT TEXAS STADIUM.  Finally, one of my teams got it right.  (You know, unlike Orioles last game at Yankee Stadium.)  I wish I could embed this highlight reel!

Next Sunday, Danny and I will be bundled up in 17 layers of clothes and suspenders crafted from 20 hand warmers in Baltimore cheering the Ravens on in victory over Jacksonville!  Wildcard here we come.

Biggest dilemma... next jersey to get? 
Ed Reed vs. Derrick Mason.

The whole hunt-for-the-wildcard thing could prove to be a trying time for some of my friendships.  The Dagger, a rabid Pats fan, and I could come to blows over that elusive wildcard spot.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA the PERFECT time to drop this photo. I love how we watched football together all season and the one time our teams wins and loses really matter to each other...we are apart.

DAMN IT. thank god for text messages!

katie brown said...

Erica, I showed my mom that picture of us... and she incorrectly picked you as being me, hahaha. PARENTAL FAIL.